With great pleasure the management of the Rocca di Pierle announces that on April 24th 2016 there will be a walk from Mercatale di Cortona to the Rocca. This will be followed by a visit to the fortress, a lunch with friends in Lisciano Niccone and an dancing afternoon with live music. The event will start in the morning and will last for the whole day. Read the program on the side. The organizers of the event are the Valdipierle In Allegria Association of Mercatale and Lisciano Niccone and the S.D.B. The Promenade of Umbertide. Valdipierle in Allegria is a non-profit association that has been working for years to organize socio-cultural activities in our Valley and which again this year will offer many appointments to follow. Do not miss the "Palio dei Rioni della Valdipierle" which will be organized in June. "Le Promenade" Dance School is a well-known reality that offers dance courses for the disciplines of Unified Ballroom Dance, Standard Dance and Latin American Dances at all levels. The school's professional teachers have received world-class awards and hold world-recognized degrees. Do not miss
Last update 19th April 2016