The current structure of the Rocca di Pierle
In this section we will deal with showing how the Rocca di Pierle is structured. To do this we will use three-dimensional images processed with computer graphics that will allow us to better understand how the fortress is made. In Pierle, in addition to the fortifications, there is also a 7-level keep and a watchtower among the most high of the whole area. But let's go in order: the following figure allows us to better understand how the cone is made.
The Rocca di Pierle is delimited by a wall which encloses an area of about 3500 square meters and extends linearly for 300 meters. A small inhabited village surrounds the fortress. The enclosure is on average raised by 8 meters, compared to the underlying level of the village. Inside, the ground level is raised by an average of 5 meters from the one below. The wall has a rounded quadrancular shape that follows that of the rock on which it rests. Four defensive turrets are placed on the sides of the enclosure in the north-east, north-west, south-east and south-west direction. The turret on the north-west side it had the task of defending the main entrance door of the tower, while the other three dominated the road that surrounded the fortress.
Inside the enclosure is the male. It is displaced to the north with respect to the center of the walls and divides the area into two courtyards which are indicated by size. The Large courtyard faces south and gives access to three of the defensive turrets. the small courtyard faces north, is more sheltered and has the north-west turret in the center. The Male with its imposing size stands out from the complex and constitutes its most interesting point. It has a rectangular base of 33 and 13 meters with two appendages of 7 meters in the north and west direction, all for a total area of 500 square meters. The keep has a height of 28 meters and was formerly divided into 7 levels, clearly identifiable by the remains of the vaults and by the position of the windows. In ancient times it had two high towers that stood out up to a height of 50 meters. The only one left standing is the north one which, with a height of 42 meters from the ground, testifies to the exceptional work of the builders who built it in 1371
The main entrance to the fortress is located under the North-West turret. This entrance gave access to a stone ramp that allowed to recover the difference in height that exists with the plan of the fortress. After about 40 meters traveled close to the walls and therefore subjected to the target of the soldiers of the tower, one arrived at the drawbridge which, protected by a 4 meter deep moat, gave access to a further door. This last one was doubly defended. It had a bayonet grate and a further door hinged on the surrounding wall. The locking compartments of this last obstacle are still clearly visible on the walls. This access once closed therefore had 3 defenses, the drawbridge, the grate and the door. from the walkway above the soldiers acted on the mechanisms that operated the opening. After this entrance, one entered the small courtyard and from there to the keep.
Currently the tower has two other entrances.
Last update 21/02/2021