Degree thesis in Architecture on the recovery of the Rocca di Pierle
CESENA - 26/03/2013 - Francesco Ranicchi and Besmira Braho graduated with a thesis on the Rocca di Pierle.
The major work carried out in the summer of 2012 at the Rocca di Pierle took shape with the discussion of the thesis in Architecture held on 03/26/2013 in Cesena. Thesis title: ''Pierle. A castle in a state of ruin - From analysis to safety'' Supervisor: Prof. Andrea Ugolini - Co-rapporteurs: Prof. Federico Fallavollita, Ing. Giovanni Cangi. University: Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Studies Di Bologna - Faculty of Architecture ''Aldo Rossi'' Cesena Campus - Single-cycle Specialized Degree Course in Architecture Degree thesis in: history, design and restoration.
The discussion of the thesis in Architecture of the two students Francesco Ranicchi and Besmira Braho took place in Cesena, inside the CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. The two students presented the results of the activity carried out in Pierle. The church in question is located near Piazza del Popolo, in via Don Lorenzo Milani and is used for the development of theses or more generally as an exhibition hall, by the faculty of architecture ''Aldo Rossi''.
The church was built between 1694 and 1695 by Pier Mattia Angeloni and was originally part of the convent of the Sisters of the Holy Spirit. It was altered several times between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and today it is used as an exhibition space. For this reason, inside the church there are movable dividers above which students can post their works.
The discussion of the thesis takes place through a very effective methodology. Students use the movable dividers to display the material produced. All people participating in this event can view all the material on display. The actual discussion takes place with the candidates who expose to the members of the graduation commission by referring directly to the material prepared. In this dynamic, during the discussion, the members of the commission and the relatives of the undergraduates mingled neatly with the intention of following the expositions.
Before the start of the exhibition of Francesco and Besmira set for 9.00, it was possible to observe the material that they decided to present. The object that certainly captured the attention of visitors the most was the model of the fortress. It was no coincidence that it was located in the center of the exhibition area. It was a reproduction made entirely with Numerical Control Machines. The wooden part was made with a computerized pantograph while the white PVC parts were cut with the numerically controlled cutter.
The undergraduates had produced two projects for the restoration of the keep of the Rocca di Pierle. The model represented the most innovative idea, namely the one involving the construction of a steel buttress in the shape of an arch. This structure, in addition to solving the stability problems of the male walls, would allow to provide a series of ramps and stairs to allow the visitor to reach the top of the castle.
Both solutions are explained in detail within the thesis. This in particular has the advantage of being minimally invasive because it minimizes the filling of the volumes while keeping the visual permeability of the product to the maximum. It also makes the most of the openings already present inside the fortress. The other project involved the relocation of the system of collaborating arches as the castle was originally conceived. However, this interpretation considerably limits the stylistic freedom of the designers and risks '' dirtying '' the reading of the artefact by covering the originality of the castle with reconstructed solutions.
The discussion of the thesis began at 9.00. The presentation before the graduation commission was preceded by a presentation by Prof. Andrea Ugolini, Supervisor and by Prof. federico Fallavollita, co-supervisor. The latter followed the laser measurements at Pierle.
During the exhibition of the undergraduates the public was able to attend, continuing to circulate among the various exhibitors, without hindering the work of the commission.
The presentation of the thesis was based on the discussion of the proposed material. The undergraduates presented their work together, taking turns commenting on the 20 tables posted and answering the questions of the commission. Due to the fact that they also made use of laser survey techniques, they were also able to propose a video with the virtualization of the Rocca di Pierle.
During the presentation of the safety of the fortress, the commission paused to observe the model. He was thus able to hear directly from Francesco and Besmira the explanations that contributed to developing this solution.
After the presentation of our two students, the work of the Lurea Commission continued with the hearing of the other undergraduates. The Work of Francesco and Besmira was finished. They just had to wait for the commission to meet to decide the evaluations and to deliberate. At about 1.00 pm the President of the Commission proclaimed, with the usual formula, Francesco and Besmira new Doctors in Architecture.
It's Done. !! Relieved and happy Francesco and Besmira begin to savor the success, fruit of their hard work. These two young people have been really good. La Rocca di Pierle thanks them, the Teachers, the Supervisor and the Co-rapporteurs who made this collaboration possible. The Rocca di Pierle, unknown to most and abandoned for centuries, now savors the idea of a rebirth. The work of the thesis contributes positively to making Pierle known and proposes operational solutions to his rescue. The young people must be acknowledged that their activity has certainly revitalized and increased Pierle's image and visibility. The rebirth of the castle can only take place through people who are passionate and motivated to bring it back to life to give it back the luster it deserves. The commitment, care and passion of Francesco and Besmira further increase their merit. Thanks guys and See you in Pierle.
Last update 30th March 2013