Page that specifies where the Rocca di Pierle is located.
Pierle is a small medieval village located in Italy, more precisely, in Tuscany. It is located in the province of Arezzo, in the south-eastern territory of the municipality of Cortona. It is no coincidence that Pierle is currently located in the vicinity of the administrative border between the regions of Umbria and Tuscany. This border has maintained a morphology closely linked to the historical vicissitudes between the Church State and the Tuscan Kingdoms of the centuries preceding the Italian unification.
The province of Arezzo is located in the south-east of the Tuscan region. It lies on the border with two other Italian regions: Umbria and the Marche.
Pierle is in the province of Arezzo .... but this Italian province is very large and is a treasure chest full of historical-artistic treasures and more. To find pierle you have to go down to Valdichiana, pass the city of Arezzo, go through the town of Castiglion Fiorentino and finally reach Cortona. Then continue towards the Umbrian border following in the direction of Mercatale or Lisciano Niccone. Another 15 kilometers takes you to Pierle.
In this image is proposed a representation of a map of the Rocca di Pierle revisited in a medieval key. One last curiosity. To identify Pierle in all the geographical maps, it is sufficient to search for Lake Trasimeno in central Italy. The castle is located 10 kilometers north of the basin, practically in line with the center of the lake. Pierle is in correspondence with the bottleneck of the first valley that connects the Valdichiana to the Valtiberina. This is not a coincidence.